Photo Credit: Coschool
  • Implementing Organization: Coschool
  • Type: Proof-of-Concept
  • Location: Colombia
  • Thematic Area(s): Digital

Flori is an innovative AI-powered app and platform designed to enhance social-emotional learning (SEL) and mental health support for students through personalized resources and activities. Co-designed by young people, Flori is integrating SEL into the daily lives of students aged 10–14. Through AI-powered chat sequences on WhatsApp, Flori guides teachers and parents to relevant resources and activities to implement SEL activities in their classrooms or at home. By aligning themes between teachers and parents, Flori promotes a holistic learning environment that strengthens family relationships and child development. Through Flori, Coschool’s goal is to help students develop essential life skills such as resilience, empathy, and effective communication, which are vital for managing stress, building strong relationships, and preventing mental health challenges like anxiety and depression.