We’re funding bold ideas for youth mental health and wellbeing in 12 countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam.
Important Links
Update as of March 6: Due to a high volume of applications, we are temporarily pausing the intake for Proof-of-concept and transition-to-scale funding to allow our team to process submissions effectively. Application intake will resume in early April. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Focused Funding
We’re funding bold prevention and promotion ideas that address the early drivers of mental health and wellbeing for the most underserved young people aged 10- to 24 in: Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam.
Being’s funding is guided by specific country priorities determined through locally driven country analyses and consultations with youth, policymakers, local organizations, and mental health experts in our 12 priority countries. We strongly encourage applications from, and will give preference to, youth-led organizations based in the 12 countries.
Available Funding Opportunities
Please review the Request for Proposals document for full details on our available funding and country priorities.
Update as of October 9, 2024: Please note that we are currently pausing the application intake for Proof-of-Concept funding.
Transition-to-Scale (TTS) Funding
TTS funding between $300,000 CAD and $1,500,000 CAD over 12-48 months will be awarded to support organizations that align with country-specific priorities along their scaling journey to help catalyze their sustainability and impact.
Eligibility Criteria
All legally incorporated (or the equivalent) organizations based in any country can apply for funding through this RFP. Please note: Only organizations implementing their project in the 12 priority countries, Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam, will be considered.
Preference will be given to eligible organizations based on the following order of criteria:
- Youth-led organizations (50% or more of staff in key leadership roles are youth aged 35 and under) based in one of 12 priority countries.
- Organizations based in one of Being’s 12 priority countries.
- Organizations based in any low- and middle-income country partnering with a local organization based in at least one of the 12 priority countries.
- Other eligible organizations.
How to Apply
All applications will involve a two-stage application process:
- Completing a screening questionnaire and submitting a project summary (stage one); and
- Submitting a full project application (stage two). Only those applications that pass screening (stage one) will be invited to submit a full application (stage two).
Please note: Applications will only be accepted through our online application form only accessible via Grand Challenges Canada’s Fluxx Portal https://gcc.fluxx.io. New users must register for an account on Fluxx at least 7 days before an intake deadline.
Current Application Intake Period for Transition-to-Scale
Update as of October 9, 2024: Please note that we are currently pausing the application intake for Proof-of-Concept funding.
Applications for Transition-to-Scale will be accepted on a rolling basis. This means that applications are continually accepted and reviewed at specific intake periods.
Our current intake period is active from September 26, 2024 – January 15, 2025. The intake deadline determines when your application will be reviewed, approved or rejected and the start time of your project. You can still apply after an intake deadline; your application will be considered for the next intake period.
- Deadline to register for Fluxx to submit applications for current intake: January 8, 2025, at 11:59 pm ET (3:59 a.m. GMT)
- Current intake deadline for applications: January 15, 2025, at 12:00 p.m. EDT (4:00 p.m. GMT)

For More Information
Information Session Recording
Being hosted an applicant information session on Tuesday, April 16, 2024, for applicants seeking to learn more about the RFP’s eligibility, application process and timelines. Watch the information session recording below!
For full application, country priorities, and eligibility details on this request for proposals (RFP) please refer to the full RFP document.
For frequently asked questions and the most up-to-date application and reviewing timelines please refer to our FAQs. For all other questions, reach out at [email protected].